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       In-Line Fastener Inc. has been ISO Certified since October of 2002. Currently, ISO 9001:2015.  The continuous  improvement in all aspects of In-Line's operation is best seen in its Quality Department. Every order that is received goes through an intensive inspection process. Developing the highest standards of process and procedures the Quality Dept. confidently inspects each order accordingly.  Based on specific customer blueprint dimensions or the latest edition of the IFI ( Industrial Fastener Institute) Standards all dimensions are checked using equipment which has been Certified.  Each piece of equipment is audited in-house on a weekly basis and each piece goes out yearly for certification and calibration.  

       At In-Line Fastener, the most effective tool in bringing about higher standards of Quality to our customers is through vigorous continuous training of our staff.  Every employee at In-Line Fastener is trained specifically for their individual responsibilities but also crossed trained in every area of it's operation.  For In-Line Fastener Inc., the process of improving Quality entails everything and is limited to nothing. 

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.

            -John Ruskin

If we deliver on time, but the product has defects, we have not delivered on time.
- Phillips Hoskins
Quality means doing it right when there is no one looking.
- Henry Ford
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